Restrictive Covenants
The homeowners in the Byrum Woods neighborhood are legally bound by a set of Restrictive Covenants. The original Restrictive Covenants were submitted to Wake County in the 1980’s, and they were amended in 2002. The currently legally binding covenants are the 2002 amended covenants.
The Home Owners Association does not have the legal ability to make assessments, fine homeowners, or to place liens on properties. Therefore, their ability to enforce the covenants is very limited. However, each homeowner does have the legal right to sue anyone covered by the covenants for non-compliance.
In 2011, there was a request of to the Board to further amend the restrictive covenants. As of June of 2017, a proposed amendment has been provided to the homeowners for their consideration, but there has not been any formal vote on the proposal.